307 Athlete

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3943 Wednesday 12/4/2024

With light DB's:
100' farmers carry
10 lunges
10 deadlifts
20 lateral jumps over DB
50' OH DB carry, each arm
10 lunges
10 2DB Snatch
Run 1-2 laps
(10 min)

Every 2 min for 16 min
5 Push Press + 1 Split Jerk

For time:
30 burpee box jump overs
30 DB walking lunges (50/35lb)
30 Shuttle Sprints

20 burpee box jump overs
20 DB walking lunges
20 Shuttle Sprints

10 burpee box jumps overs
10 DB walking lunges
10 Shuttle Sprints
*1 shuttle sprint = 25'
*2 DB's held at the side
*15 min timecap

3 rounds
max banded tricep pushdown
*rest 1 min between rounds
(5 min)