3990 Tuesday 1/28/2025
Min 1: 50s of shuttle runs
Min 2: *6 count burpees
Min 3: 50s of shuttle runs
Min 4: pike around the worlds
Min 5: 50s of shuttle runs
Min 6: Max Burpee Pullups
*6 count burpee=top of plank, bottom of push-up, top of push-up, squat, stand, jump and clap (segment each of these positions and pause at each for 1 sec.)
Spend a few mins opening shoulders and lats
(10 min)
Power Cleans
2x3 @ 60%
2x3 @ 70%
2x3 @ 75%
(20 min)
10 min AMRAP
Partner 1: AMRAP bar muscle-ups
Partner 2: AMRAP cals on air bike
Switch movements as needed
AMRAP 10 min
Partner 1: AMRAP HSPU
Partner 2: AMRAP cals on rower
Switch movements as needed