February 2023
“Regardless of what the problem is, the answer is to squat.”
The CrossFit Open season is upon us, and we are going to break it down for you. For those new to CrossFit, or “competing” in it for the first time, this is how it works. It is FREE to sign up for 307’s Intramural Open, which is a 3 week team competition, where participating in one weekly workout while demonstrating spirit will earn your team points. The team with the most points at the end of week 3 earns THE prize. A sign up sheet will be posted in the box’s announcement board and via website.
The CrossFit Open is also a worldwide competition, where you sign up for $20 to upload your score and compete against yourself and other athletes in your ability and age level. If you perform well enough in the Open, you can move onto the next competition level “Quarterfinals”. This process continues as a funnel leading all the way to the CrossFit Games in August, where the world's fittest compete for the crown.
Most of us will not be making it past the Open. The same way that the majority of people who sign up for a 5k don’t expect to win the race. The accomplishment is in participating, having fun, and being part of an awesome community. Every year we hear the same apprehensions. Newbie athletes are worried there will be movements or loads that they are not able to complete, and experienced athletes often feel that, “…they’re not where they want to be…” Ultimately the fear comes down to not performing as well as we think we should. Be safe, but step-up to the challenge and leave it all on the floor.
3 reasons why everyone should consider participating in the Open.
Get outside your comfort zone. Whether it’s working on that movement that’s been giving you problems or forcing you to push to a new intensity level, The Open makes everyone step outside of their comfort zone. Know that you’re not alone. The best athletes in the world come into every Open WOD with butterflies… as do beginners. While it may be a bit nerve racking to get outside of your comfort zone, it’s here where we learn things about ourselves, and it’s here where we discover ourselves.
Be the change for someone who needs it. Let’s forget ourselves for a moment, and focus on our friends and fellow athletes. The biggest source of motivation often comes from watching and helping your fellow athletes fight through a WOD, or watching your whole gym come together to cheer someone on to get them through a WOD. Yes, this happens sometimes in class, but it’s on a whole new level when it’s The Open. Also, look at some of the things your fellow athletes have overcome to participate in The Open. We have seen people fighting cancer complete The Open. After putting it all in perspective, “I’m just not good at pull-ups,” doesn’t seem like a good excuse to not participate. Check your ego at the door, motivate each other, and derive motivation from each other.
Magic moments happen during the Open. I’ve seen numerous people get their first muscle up in Open workouts. I’ve seen athletes get their first pull-up, toes to bar, double under. You name it, and I have seen athletes do it for the first time in The Open. Not only did these athletes accomplish something for the first time, they came away from those workouts with a new sense of confidence and excitement about their training for months to come. Personally, I cannot sit here and remember what I scored or what anyone else scored on any Open WODs, but I can remember the moments when people conquered a movement for the first time, or fought through a workout that they were doubtful they could complete.
Preview of Programming Focuses this Month
Continuation of Open Prep Cycle: (6 Weeks, Jan 2nd- Feb 11th)
Olympic Lifting Strength and Barbell Cycling x2 per week (1x Snatch + 1x Clean+Jerk)
Gymnastic Skill Acquisition and Endurance Focus x 2 per week (Pull-Up, T2B, Muscle Up, Handstand PU, Wall Walk, Double Unders, Single Leg Squats)
1x per week Open Style Workout or Open Repeat
CrossFit Open Season (February 16th-March 5th)
Open workout programmed every Friday during class
Partners judge and score each other during class
TH active recovery day in prep for Friday
Programming during week structured around Friday (all 3 weeks)
Community Highlights/ Announcements
Intramural Open
What? 3 Week In Person CrossFit community competition in conjunction
with the 2023 CF Open season.
When? February 16th- March 6th. All day Friday throughout classes (supervised) or Saturday morning (unsupervised)
Who? Coaches, regular 307 class members, and newcomers alike. Athletes divided up into teams that will compete against each other for bragging rights and prizes.
How? No charge online registration (unless want to do official CF Open, but not required for IM), with a deadline of Wed Feb 13th. Team members will accumulate points if they participate in spirit, complete the open workout, and top placements in the workout.
Why? Come together as a community, test our fitness level, and keep each other accountable towards growth.
Upcoming Events
Next Session starts Feb 27 (4 weeks)
Ages 8-11 & 12-14
Sign up at 307athlete.com
Iron Cowboy Partner Shootout January 28th, Rock Springs, WY
Windsor Warrior CrossFit Competition February 11th (Windsor CO)
Health and Fitness Team Challenge ends February 12th.
307 CrossFit Team Intramural Open (Feb 16-March 5th)
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