Inspiring young athletes to become the best version of themselves on and off the field/mats.
Varsity & Jr Varsity use strength and conditioning training to accelerate growth physically & mentally. Young athletes will learn how to stay fit and healthy their entire lives.
Bullyproof instills confidence by teaching our kids how to protect themselves in challenging situations.
MON/WED - 3:30-4:30PM
AGES 12-14
Give your teen athlete the best opportunity to succeed on and off the field with strength and conditioning training. We will be teaching advanced training methods that will accelerate their growth and give them tools to stay fit and health their whole life.
2501: JAN 20 - FEB 12
2502: FEB 24 - MAR 19
2503: APR 7 - APR 30
MON/WED - 4:30-5:30PM
AGES 8-11
Our JV athletes will learn the foundations of strength and conditioning with a professional coach that will give them a head start over others in the field. They will have fun learning and growing with a group of kids all looking to become the best they can be.
2501: JAN 20 - FEB 12
2502: FEB 24 - MAR 19
2503: APR 7 - APR 30
SATURDAYS - 8:30-9:00AM
AGES 9-12
In just 10 weeks your child will learn 35-40 proven techniques in a fast-paced, fun and safe environment. These lessons give your child the relevant tools they need to navigate any hostile environment. Additionally, Jiujitsu instills within them the confidence they need to realistically stand up for themselves in the face of bullying no matter how it may manifest. What makes Bully Proof different is that our children aren’t just learning how to defend themselves physically. Our well-trained and experienced team of coaches will also teach your child the Rules of Engagement and offer practical self-defense advice. Parents and guardians are encouraged to sit-in and listen so that they may reinforce what is being taught in their homes. It takes a tribe to Bully Proof a child, purposed intent, practice and unwavering support and encouragement. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to partner with you and give your child a chance to face the world with confidence and courage.
FEB 1 - APR 5