307 Athlete

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3946 Saturday 12/7/2024

Join us for a Community workout today! Workout will start at 9am so show up early to get your warmup and strength in.

2 rounds
20 cal ride
20 goblet squats
5/5 kb windmills
5/5 kb single arm thrusters
10 shoulder tap pushups

5x5 bench press
5x10 push up on wall ball
*perform pushups immediately after finishing bench set

“Mortal Kombat”
50 hang power cleans* (135/95) shared
*every time you drop, 2 synchro front squats

60 hang power snatches* (115/75) shared
*every time you drop 3 synchro overhead squats

70 shoulder to overhead* (95/65) shared
*every time you drop, 4 synchro thrusters

*Flow: power cleans, power snatches and shoulder to overhead are all shared burden. Every time one of you drops the bar or switches, perform designated synchro movement before the new partner starts working on shared movement.