3930 Monday 11/18/2024
“I think, therefore I am.”
3 min cardio of choice
3 rds
4 wall walks
8 air squats
12 KB swings
*Spend remaining time opening the shoulders
(10 min)
Strict Press
Work to Heavy
(15 min)
With a partner:
At 0:00 and every 3 min:
6 synchro OHS (95/65)
20 wall walks
30 1 db devils press
40 1 db step overs (24/20, 50/35)
50 pullups
40 1 db step overs (24/20, 50/35)
30 1 db devils press
20 wall walks
*For step overs, DB can be held at side or front rack. Alternate arms on Devils Press
*24 min timecap