3940 Saturday 11/30/2024

3 rounds
10 box step ups
8 cal row
10 burpees
8 cal row
10 double dumbbell deadlift
8 cal row

With a partner
“The Upside Down”
100/80 cal row
100 Box Jump overs 24”/20”
80/60 cal row
80 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24”/20”
60/40 cal row
60 Double Dumbbell Box Step Overs 20” (2x50/2x35)
40/20 cal row
40 Burpee Dumbbell Deadlift Box Step Over 20” (2x50/2x35)
20/10 cal row
20 Devils Press Box Step Over 20” (2x50/2x35)
Time cap: 50

Flow: Shared burden for all movements. For burpee deadlift box step overs, perform a burpee deadlift into weighted box step over. For devils press box step over, perform a double dumbbell devils press into a box step over. Dumbbells can remain on shoulder or in farmers carry position for the step over.

Disclaimer: We are purposely not doing a strength today. The workout is a long, mentally challenging chipper. Put your head down and grind your way through it with enough left in the tank to kick on the back half of the workout.


3941 Monday 12/2/2024


3939 Friday 11/29/2024