307 Athlete

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3988 Saturday 1/25/2025

2 Weeks from today we will be posting our 4000th WOD at the 307 (starting in October 2011). We’ll be doing our monthly community workout to celebrate. Come join the fun Saturday 2/8. We will be starting the workout at 9am so come as early as you need to get your warmup.

But first, enjoy this one from Coach Collin.

6 minute legs only bike
2 rounds
100 feet plate bear hug walk 45/25
10 plank shoulder taps
10 handstand kick up to wall (alternate lead foot)
10 plate ground to overhead 45/25

5 sets
:30 sandbag bear hug hold
100 feet sled push*
*sled push immediately after finishing sandbag hold

40 EMOM, shared burden within each minute
Min 1: 70 Double Unders
Min 2: 6 wall walks*
Min 3: 10 Deadlift 275/185
Min 4: 16 box jump overs* 24”/20”
1 works:1 rests
*Wall walk: one wall walk, one wall facing hspu =1
*Box jump overs: jump all the way over the box, Scale to broad jumps if not comfortable jumping over the box.

Flow: Each minute is a shared burden. One person works while the other rests. Scale accordingly to have work done within the 1 minute window.