4012 Saturday 2/22/2025

2 lap run


Cal row
Box jump overs
Russian swing

Every 45 seconds for 12 minutes
2 power cleans

4 rounds
P1: 40 sandbag step back lunges (100/75)
P2: 20 strict hspu or 100 feet handstand walk
*switch as desired*
8 Rope climbs
1 works, 1 rests

Target 15
Cap 20


4 rounds
P1: 40 C2B pull-ups
P2: 20 KB goblet box step ups (70/53) 20” box
*switch as desired*
10 wall walks
1 works, 1 rests

Target 15
Cap 20

P1 works on stepback lunges while p2 works on hspu or handstand walk, partners can switch whenever. When both movements are completed(shared burden of total reps) move to shared burden rope climbs. One round is both movements plus rope climbs and both movements plus wall walks. Continue format for 4 rounds. At the 20 minute mark, move to part two following the same format. Score is total time combined for both parts. Scale accordingly to be within the 20 minute cap.


4011 Friday 2/21/2025