4037 Friday 3/21/2025
With a partner
P1: Run 8x25' shuttle runs
P2: Max Plate Squats
P1: Run 8x25' shuttle runs, after 3 lengths do 5 burpees, after 7 lengths do 10 jumping jacks
P2: Max Plate Thrusters
P1: Run 8x25' shuttle runs, after 3 lengths do 10 jumping air squats, after 7 lengths do 5 clapping pushups
P2: Fast Feet on Plate, alternating toe touches on top of the plate
P1: 20 arm lifts (use light plates), arms out to the side with thumbs pointing up
P2: Box pike hold (scale to pike or plank hold)
(15 min)
7 rds
1 min Max rope climbs
1 min rest
3 rds
2 min plate ground to overhead (45/25lb)
2 min shuttle runs (25')
2 min box jump overs (24/20in)
2 min box round the worlds, wall walks or HS walk
(18 min)